I guess I'll start posting metal songs again. Here's Sect of Sleep by Sylvatica of Denmark. It's a melodeath song which I could compare loosely to Amon Amarth. I know the one and only metal fan who reads this stuff is a melodeath guy, so here you go, bro.
16 NOV 2014
Military Press
155 x 5
175 x 5 (Push Press)
135 x 8
Lat Pulldown, Parallel Grip
200 x 5
160 x 12
a) Pec Deck
Yeah, that's right. Pec Deck. My delts and tris take over alot on bench press.
b) Face Pull
Avg Band
a) Overhead Triceps Extension
b) Seated Hammer Curl
Not surprisingly, my overhead strength is down as much as everything else. All of my major lifts seem to be down around 15% from my peak strength at 185 lbs bodyweight back in April. I'm sitting around 176 lbs right now.
A little less volume this day because I wasn't feeling totally recovered from the last session. I'm still trying to figure out where my work capacity is at. It's hard to do with my somewhat erratic training schedule.
A little less volume this day because I wasn't feeling totally recovered from the last session. I'm still trying to figure out where my work capacity is at. It's hard to do with my somewhat erratic training schedule.
17 NOV 2014
Conventional Deadlift
385 x 2
This is the third or fourth time I've pulled since April. I've always sucked at conventional, but I've gone from suck to shit. I pulled my back on this set. It's not too bad - taking it easy for a week should be more than enough to get back at it. The problem, I think, is that I tried to go right back to my round-back pulling style that I used back when my back was bulletproof. Right now, my back is about as bulletproof as a watermelon (I didn't know what to say here, so I asked my mom to give me an example of something not bulletproof. She said it's a good example because when you shoot one, it explodes.) So, the plan is to walk like an old man and rehab for a week, and then come back and continue working on squat while building up the erectors and doing only technique work on the deadlift. Maybe I'll start wearing a belt again. I probably should.
I think I'm actually worse at swimming than conventional deadlift....
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