08 July 2013

The Road So Far: College, Junior Year

After Nationals 2012, I took a couple months off from heavy lifting by doing bodybuilding style things, which didn't really get me anywhere.  I then went back to Westside for a third time during summer.  Unfortunately, I had to do a decent amount of cardio at this time to pass a fitness test, and my squat actually went down during this time.

I listened to alot of Dimmu Borgir during summer 2012.

Fall 2012 was the most fun I've ever had training.  A group of five got together, and we did Westside.  We had no idea WTF we were doing, and alot of mistakes were made.  The group came to be known as Team Chaos, and we had a great time, but the general consensus was that we were not getting any better.  Personally, I think I got alot stronger with Team Chaos.  My squat was back up over 600, and I hit a huge bench PR, but I was alone in that sentiment, so we dissolved.  It was a sad day.

Team Chaos

We listened to a lot of Iron Maiden in the gym.
More chaos...
The members of Team Chaos went their separate ways.  I moved on to a block periodization program written by one of our coaches.  I could tell when I first looked at it that it wasn't for me.  I've never been a fan of percentage based programs (although I had success with Sheiko), and the program was designed to increase geared strength through raw lifting, which is not something that has worked for me in the past.  My squat and bench went down during this time.

My training partner felt similarly, so we changed back to Westside (seeing a theme here?).  I kept a log of this training here:
During this time, my lifts got back up to where they were during the Team Chaos days, and a little higher.  More importantly, we experimented with programming, and started to actually figure out what we were doing.  This knowledge became the foundation for the Westside style 12-week program for single ply lifters which I call Skurskyside.

We really got into symphonic black metal here.
Next up is a full meet write-up of USAPL Collegiate Nationals 2013.

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