26 December 2014

26 DEC 14 | My bench press brings all the boys to the yard.

295 x 3
275 x 4 Paused
275 x 5 Three Board

70 chain x 3

BB Row
185 x 5

Probably could've gotten 4 on the 295 bench and 5 on the paused 275, but I'm still benching with no spotter/no handoff.  A handoff is good for at least on extra rep.  Also trying to be as strict as possible on the rows.  I've gone up to 275 x 5 in the past, but it was more of a RDL + power shrug than a row.

Current Post-OCS PRs

touch and go bench - 295 x 3
beltless olympic squat - 355 x 3
beltless conventional - 405 x 3
military press - 185 x 3

bw - 177

All Time PRs

touch and go bench - 315 x 4 at 195 bw
beltless olympic squat - 365 x 5 at 185 bw
conventional with belt - 475 at 195 bw
military press - 185 x 5 at 185 bw


  1. Nice list of all-time PRs here. Keep getting strong(er)!

  2. Nice list of all-time PRs here. Keep getting strong(er)!
