29 DEC 14
Military Press
185 x 3 (missed 4th rep)
145 x 10
Yates Row
205 x 5
185 x 10
45 x 12 x 3
Cable Pullover
some x 12 x 3
Rope Tricep Extension
Machine Curl
30 DEC 14
355 x 3 (missed 4th rep)
325 x 4 paused
275 x 5 high bar belted, 5 low bar belted
I'm starting to miss alot lifts, which is not like me (except in competition, where it's totally like me). Both of the above misses were odd in that the first three reps felt pretty good. I've been doing this long enough to know when I'm about to miss a rep, or so I thought. In both cases, I was confident that I was about to get 5, but got stapled on rep 4. I'm going to have to start doing something different. My best raw squat progress came when I was squatting on Monday and Friday and doing deadlifts and front squats on Wednesday (while eating a surplus, of course). I could start doing that, but I was planning on jumping into a bodybuilding style thing for a couple months. Now I have a decision to make. Do I want to become swole, or improve my squat?
I just started strict overhead military press and I'm up to 185 x 5 for a new PR, but that's at 200.0 b.w. so you are still crushing me with upper body strength, you skinny beast!